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Finding the Fit

  • Our Blog

Roses are red, violets are blue, Midwest College Planning is here to help you find the fit! 

Welcome to February, this month we are focusing on love. We love the process of finding the school that fits the student academically, socially, and financially. We cherish that ‘aha’ moment when the hard work pays off for the family.

Finding the fit academically requires research. By talking with the student about his/her goals we draft an initial list of schools. The student is asked to research, develop pros and cons and then we meet. This process is repeated and refined until the student has approximately 7 to 12 schools that fit with the academic goals.  We also focus on building a student’s resume to make sure he/she ticks the boxes for an admissions officer. 

Finding the fit socially is more intuitive. During the refining of the academic research, the student broadens the requirements to extracurricular. Topics like internships, weekend fun and food are discussed. This is where students with a wildcard like sports, theatre and leadership may focus their time connecting with coaches and professors. 

Finding the fit financially is hard. For most families this falls on the parents. We start by asking parents to complete a budget sheet. Then we ask the sometimes tough question: how will you pay for college.  College is expensive. As we are working with the family we need to understand the family dynamics.

Finding a school that fits academically, socially and financially takes time and commitment. We here to help you every step of the journey.  

Feel free to call and schedule a free consultation 614.230.1208